Reach Competence Quickly
You can reach proficiency in your new position up to 40% faster if you prepare and follow a personal onboarding plan before “day one” on your new job. Arrive looking good and demonstrating the right attitude. Prepare yourself by completing activities to accelerate your performance early on the job. Get Ready Get Set Go! takes you through a step-by-step method (with active templates) for creating and implementing a plan customized for you. It’s easy to do. It’s fun, logical and powerful. Your managers will be surprised and pleased with your preparation. Get started now!
Want to succeed at the very highest levels?
Start From Day One. Get the right first job. Walk in at 9 am on your first day, knowing exactly what it takes to succeed. Leverage the experience of world-class executives to maximize your contribution and accelerate your progress. And let those killer “rookie mistakes” derail somebody else’s career not yours! In From Day One, long-time CEO Bill White has written the one indispensable book for every new businessperson. White captures the unspoken knowledge others will learn the hard way…offers practical tips about everything from “managing your boss” to networking…gives you the crucial competitive edge you need, from the very beginning!
William J. White
About the Author
Following more than thirty years of success in the business world and ultimately serving as chairman and CEO of a NYSE company, William J. White has spent the past fifteen years teaching and advising students on their careers as a professor at Northwestern University. White’s research focuses on what makes a successful transition to a new position: the onboarding process.